We believe God speaks in many languages and has revealed divine truth in the major religious traditions of the human race. Our central belief is that Jesus Christ is Lord. But in proclaiming that Jesus is the way and the truth does not preclude that his way may also be manifest in religions that do not worship him as Lord. We believe there is a mystery of how God works in our traditions exceeding our knowledge and control. We celebrate the revelation of God presented in the Holy Bible and trust God’s Spirit to unlock how we are to understand divine truth and apply it to our lives.
CCC Sunday live services have resumed effective October 17, 2021 at the Coronado Unified School District Boardroom.
Out of an abundance for caution, regarding the COVID-19 danger of groups meeting in close proximity, the CCC requires proof of COVID-19 vaccination, social distancing and wearing of facemasks during our live services.
We look forward to you joining us at 201 Sixth St, Coronado for live services
or for Hybrid CCC livestream church services
at ZOOM Meeting ID 829 5925 2981
Password 92118
New sermon recordings and Virtual Zoom Sunday Service Videos are available on the CCC website Worship & Prayer page, and Newsletter updates from Pastor
(Mailing address: PO Box 181680, Coronado, CA 92178-1680)
Pastor Eric Smith
Season of Pentecost
Scripture, Message for Sunday, November 21, 2021
Scripture: Psalm 100
Message: “Grateful People”