The Coronado Community Church (CCC) was founded in 1996 as an independent faith community offering a non-denominational Christian presence in Coronado. The CCC is an Open and Affirming congregation that draws on a rich variety of worship traditions on Sunday mornings, blending traditional and contemporary music and borrowing liturgy from many denominations. All are welcome in this faith community regardless of age, economic or marital status, faith background, gender identity and expression, physical or mental ability, race or sexual orientation. As Jesus did, we invite everyone to participate fully in the life, leadership, fellowship, worship, sacraments, responsibilities, challenges and blessings of our congregation. Visitors immediately feel the joy of our worship and the friendliness of our members. Please visit us – you will be very welcome.
The Coronado Community Church announces a change in pastoral leadership …
Our blessings and gratitude for the Rev. Steve Mather …
Pastor Steve is now retired from active leadership with the Coronado Community Church and assumes the honored role of Pastor Emeritus! We are Grateful for his 16 years of ministry among us.
Welcome Pastor Eric Smith …
Pastor Eric joins the Coronado Community Church after a 40 year career in the United Methodist Church; most recently as Pastor of St. Andrews’s by-the-sea in San Clemente.
The CCC congregation gathers on Sunday mornings for in-person services at 10:00 am at the Coronado Unified School District Boardroom, 201 6th St, Coronado.
During the past year we have gathered on Zoom each Sunday at 10:00 am and will continue to offer Hybrid Zoom along with in-person services!
On Sunday, July 4, 2021 the CCC held a special worship service at the First Church of Christ, Scientist, 1123 8th St (corner of 8th & C Ave), Coronado, CA. It was a special day to celebrate America’s Independence, the Coronado Community Church, Pastor Stephen J. Mather’s Retirement & Welcome Pastor Eric Smith.
(Mailing address: PO Box 181680, Coronado, CA 92178-1680)
For more information call 619-437-6827