Expect a variety of

On your first visit to the Coronado Community Church you can expect a variety of experiences. You will enter a non-traditional setting for worship which may prepare you to worship God in a new way.  You will be greeted by friendly members who have grown in the Christian faith over many years and likely through numerous struggles.

They will look to welcome you and find ways to make your time in the Coronado Community Church a productive and spiritually enriching one. If you desire to get more involved, opportunities will be suggested for a visitor to consider. Study opportunities, mission needs (like our new free health care clinic in National City) or fellowship groups are venues to be considered.

Becoming a Congregation Member

Becoming a Congregation Member

There are mature Christians who understand that they are called by God to be the church and to see that the community is supported and effective in mission and ministry. If you are called to this relationship you are welcome…the only membership vow is this: will you endeavor to follow the way of Jesus?

Choosing to become a member of the Coronado Community Church does not offer privilege, rather, it is a public affirmation of willingness to embrace the vision and values of Jesus and to express these values and vision as an active participant with this community of God’s people.

It means that a person wishes to discover a new dimension to life through participation in worship,  and other activities that will deepen his/her relationships with God and other people, and lead to a discovery of our spiritual gifts. The question always hovers in the background: “What does God want me to accomplish in my life to God’s glory, and how can the community of believers enhance that quest? ” The flip-side is also true: “What can I bring to my church family to deepen its faithfulness to Jesus? “.

Come to worship any Sunday!

Come to worship any Sunday!

Each member has unique experiences and insights that are part of the rich tapestry of how God is unfolding his purpose on earth.

Learn about our Pastor