Come to worship any Sunday!

Our worship on Sunday morning brings our dispersed church family together to praise God’s name, to lift up prayers of thanksgiving and intercession, to sing songs of our faith, and to listen for God’s word.  This happens through a sermon devoted to raising our consciousness and sensitivity to God’s presence and searching how the Spirit is directing our paths as Jesus’ disciples today.  Our choir presents musical selections from Bach to modern composers who challenge us to “sing a new song unto the Lord.”

We are community of Christian believers.

We are community of Christian believers.

The Coronado Community Church is not housed in a facility that is called a church.  Instead, we worship each week at the CUSD Boardroom. This makes clear that the church is not a building, but a community of Christian believers. After Sunday service, the church is dispersed to serve Jesus’ mission in the world through acts of compassion and witness to the deeper meaning of life, and the claims of God on our time.

Get to know us

Each member is ultimately accountable to his/her conscience following the time-honored Protestant principle which states that God alone is lord of each person’s conscience. Our members therefore do not hold uniform beliefs on theology or anything else for that matter. Getting to know us will reveal that there is a wide spectrum of understanding the Holy Scriptures, as well as political, economic or social views. We do not believe that all of us have to march to the beat of the same drummer to be obedient servants of Jesus.

Our church worship

Each Sunday, 10 a.m. in the Coronado Unified School District Boardroom at 201 6th St, Coronado


Our mission

Our mission is enhanced by not having to fund the purchase and upkeep of buildings. Many of our programs and activities take place in the homes of our members. Special services on Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday are usually held in a members’ home accompanied by a meal. The funds that would otherwise go to service a mortgage or maintenance are released to further our mission enterprises.

Other services:

Other services during the year include:

Christmas Eve – celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ

Ash Wednesday – Commemorating the beginning of the 40 days of Lent, remembering Jesus’ preparation for his ministry by retreating to the Judean wilderness for 40 days.

Maundy Thursday – Celebration of the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples, and the subsequent event of his betrayal, arrest and crucifixion on Good Friday.

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