Other services during the year include: Christmas Eve – celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ,
Ash Wednesday – Commemorating the beginning of the 40 days of Lent, remembering Jesus’ preparation for his ministry by retreating to the Judean wilderness for 40 days.
Maundy Thursday – Celebration of the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples, and the subsequent event of his betrayal, arrest and crucifixion on Good Friday.
Our church participates in the Coronado Council of Churches, composed of most faith communities in our city. This serves as an opportunity to testify to our unity in Jesus by gathering with other Christians. Four worship events occur each year:
Service of Christian Unity – Usually the third Sunday evening of January, this service challenges us to think how Christians in Coronado can work together.
Good Friday Walk of the Cross – Scripture and readings centering on Jesus’ trial and procession to Golgotha where he was crucified, with a procession down the streets of Coronado as we stop at each of the churches that are members of the Council.
High School Baccalaureate – in June, before graduation, this service focuses on prayer for students are who graduating from Coronado High School.
Thanksgiving Eve – Follows a long tradition of offering thanks to God, we gather the evening before the national holiday for prayer, praise, and reflection on the meaning of Thanksgiving.