Sermons Titles and Scriptures

Sermons Titles and Scriptures

Sermons Titles and Scripturesfotex2023-07-13T00:00:44+00:00

Hidden Hubris

October 23, 2022|

Some years ago I was in the midst of a novel when a character’s description got my attention. I like it when a writer comes out with some insight that particularly speaks to me.

Living the Dream

October 16, 2022|

Perhaps you have heard of a Chinese proverb that says, May you live in interesting times. Actually it is an English expression said to be the translation of a traditional Chinese curse.

Jesus Loved a Party

August 28, 2022|

They call the city of Redlands, California the “jewel of the Inland Empire.” Karen and I think so, too. It is a wonderful city, and we were part of a wonderful congregation for six years which was, and still is, very dear to us

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